
Chocolate Dresses???

For the most part I consider myself a reasonably practical person. With the exception of my purse and shoe fetish – and we’ve already discussed that cookbook problem – I normally buy useful things. Now that I think about it, what is more useful to a woman than a purse and a good pair of shoes? After all, you can’t leave home without them.

So yes, I feel quite confident that I know the difference between practical and frivolous. When I was young, my sister-in-law gave me a paper Christmas dress. Even though I adored her, my 12-year old instincts told me this was definitely not practical. The dress was one of those "one size fits all," which never works, so I had to scotch tape it to fit. It had a bad habit of tearing when I sat and it rustled when I walked, not to mention that it scratched. And how was I to wash it? Instincts were right … very impractical.

Chocolate Silliness
So as I was surfing through the TV channels one night looking at old programs, I landed upon one of the many goofy challenges they host on one of the food channels. They actually had pastry chefs making chocolate dresses. Now I love fashion, and I love chocolate, but seriously … a chocolate dress??? What’s up with that??? It makes my paper dress seem quite sensible.

With all the marvelous delicacies that can be spun from chocolate, why on earth would anyone want to make chocolate clothing? What exactly is the point? I can’t imagine Anna Wintour strutting down the halls of Vogue sporting a chocolate dress. It can’t be worn in the summer for it would melt, in the winter it would develop that white, yucky bloom and would most definitely crack. Not to mention, the whole idea is simply preposterous.

Neither the practical nor the frivolous me will be wearing a chocolate cupcake hat or a Hershey bar belt when I go out tonight. I will admit to wearing a little chocolate on my chin or blouse from time to time, but really, let’s save the talent of the pastry chefs and the loveliness of fine chocolate for making truffles, birthday cakes and ice cream.

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