
Itlay's Cinque Terre ... Vernazza

The consensus among travel writers is that Vernazza is their favorite of the Cinque Terre towns. So, of course, we were especially excited to visit this neighbor just to the south of Monterosso al Mare.

When the doors of our train opened, a mass of people, including us, poured onto the narrow streets of this tiny town. The crowds topped any we saw in Monterosso. Like a swarm of bees, we were led down the hill and curve of the main street that stretched from the station to the harbor below.

Boats, Umbrellas, Laundry
All Part of the Vernazza Scene
As we walked the day’s laundry floated in the breeze far above our heads. We noticed the town seemed a little worn, perhaps partly from the remnants of the terrible storm that inflicted so much damage a few years before. But maybe a town dating back to as long ago as 1080 deserves the right to be a little tired, a little frayed. Perhaps it wears its age like a badge of honor.

In spite of its rather tired look, or maybe because of it, the enchantment of the town shined through. Its natural harbor and its castle’s ruins, that stood majestically as if still on watch for marauding invaders, were the stars of the show.

Sea Spray
The part of the piazza closest to the water was cordoned off as the waves crashed against the harbor’s rocks with such force that they sent the sea’s spray toward the sky, much like a geyser. Umbrella covered tables were already full of diners enjoying the day and the water show. As we made our way as close as we could to the angry sea, we understood why the boats weren’t running this day.

Yes, We Climbed all the Way Up
For some silly reason, we thought it might be fun to climb to the top of the castle’s lookout. Following the many steps, I thought I might pass out before reaching the top. With a short climb left to go before we earned our reward of what we hoped would be a spectacular view, a woman popped out of a little nook to demand payment before we could proceed any further. Totally not fair … by this time there was way too much invested to turn back … there was no mention of a fee when we began this ridiculous journey, which now seemed days old … such a racket!

Terrific Shoreline View
We paid for the privilege of torturing ourselves a little longer, and continued up more stairs and a spiral so narrow it couldn’t accommodate more than one person in one direction at a time. Finally we were compensated with a stunning view of not only Vernazza, but the whole of the Cinque Terre.

Surveying the land and sea from atop a castle that probably dates back to the 1500s was truly a breath-taking experience, and one we won’t soon forget. But with all that climbing we did work up an appetite, and there just happened to be an excellent restaurant in this very castle … how convenient.

Ristorante Belforte
Happily situated in Ristorante Belforte, dangling far above the roaring sea, we had, what we have both agreed, was the best meal of our trip. Perhaps it was the view, or the fresh air, or the mist from the crashing waves below, or perhaps we were just happy, or extremely hungry, or maybe we were delirious from the climb and the altitude … I don’t know why, but the pasta with shellfish we had for lunch tasted like heaven rose from the sea and landed on our tongues.

Spaghetti with shrimp, tiny clams and a boatload of mussels swimming in a light tomato sauce accompanied by a crisp salad, crunchy bread and, of course, a little vino … it was all local and fresh and just too good. It was a postcard of what a vacation on the coast of Italy should be … only better …

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