
Spanish Food Glossary

Just as it is advisable to learn some general words and phrases of a destination country's language, it is also nice to become familiar with a few food terms. Many European restaurants provide English menus as a courtesy, but some may not. Knowing some basics makes it easier to read and understand a menu, and it is fun too. (To view the entire glossary, click on "read more.")



A la brasa – charcoal grilled

A la marinera – cooked with white wine, onions, and tomatoes

A la parilla – broiled

A la plancha – broiled on a hot surface, especially fish, shellfish, and meat

A la romana – deep-fried in a light batter, especially calemares, hake or merluza

Añadir – add

Aceite – oil

Aceite de oliva – olive oil

Aceite de oliva puro – a processed neutral olive oil with a small amount virgin olive oil added for flavor, a basic olive oil for frying

Aceite de oliva virgen extra – quality cold pressed olive oil with an acidity level below .75 percent and a distinctive flavor

Aceituna – olive

Acelga – Swiss chard

Adafina – a dish similar to a cocido or stew

Aderezar, alinar – to season or dress a salad

Adobo – pickling brine or marinade, usually made of oil, vinegar, peppercorns, bay leaves, and other spices

Aagridulce – bittersweet

Agrio – sour or bitter

Aguacate – avocado

Aguardiente, also called orujo – a potent Spanish liqueur used sparingly in cooking

Ahumado – smoked

Aioli or ali oli – a Catalan sauce traditionally made from large amounts of fresh garlic, blended in a mortar and pestle with salt, olive oil, and optional lemon juice

Ajo – garlic

Ajoarriero – bacalao al ajoarriero, a dish of salt cod with garlic

Ajoblanco – cold almond soup from Andalusia, often served with grapes

Al ajillo – fried with garlic, as in 'gambas al ajillo' (garlic shrimp)

Al horno – roasted or baked in the oven

Al pil-pil – a Basque recipe for bacalao salt cod sautéed slowly in oil with garlic

Al vapor – steamed

Albóndiga – meatball

Albahaca – sweet basil

Albardilla – batter

Alboronia – a summer vegetable combination similar to pesto

Alcachofa – artichoke

Alcaparras – capers

Alimento(s) – food

Alino – dressing, seasoning

Almíbar – syrup

Almazara – olive oil mill

Almejas – clams

Almendras – almonds

Almuerzo – brunch, hearty second breakfast

Alta cocina – haute cuisine

Alubias – beans grown for drying, can be white, red, or black

Alubias negras – black beans

Alubias rojas – kidney beans

Anchoa – anchovy

Anise – greenish-brown, licorice flavored seeds used in sweet and savory cooking, and to make anise liqueur

Aperitivo – aperitif or an appetizer

Apio – celery

Aplanar – roll out

Aplastar, aplanar – flatten

Arándano – cranberry

Arenque – herring

Arenque ahumado – kipper

Arroz – rice

Arroz a banda – a saffron rice dish cooked in a paella pan, with a complex fish stock

Artesa – flat-based, long wooden container for kneading bread or mixing meat for sausages

Asado – roast meat, roasted

Asador – steak house, roasting pan

Atún – tuna

Atar – tie

Azúcar – sugar

Azúcar blanca de granulado muy fino – finely granulated sugar

Azúcar glace – confectioner's sugar, icing sugar

Azafrán – saffron, the toasted stigmas of a purple crocus flower


Bacalao – dried, salt cod which must be soaked for at least 24 hours before use to remove the excess salt and to re-hydrate the fish

Barbacoa, parrillada – barbeque

Barra – loaf of bread, baguette

Batido de leche – milkshake

Batir – whisk

Bechamel – a basic cream sauce made of butter, flour and milk; French béchamel sauce

Bellota – acorn

Berenjena – eggplant, aubergine

Berro – watercress

Besugo – sea bream

Bien – well cooked meat

Bistec – beef steak

Blanquear – to blanch or pre-cook in boiling water

Bocadillo – Spanish sandwich, usually made from length of a barra/baguette

Boquerónes – fresh white anchovies marinated in vinegar

Borraja – borage herb

Brochettes – Long metal or wooden skewers onto which ingredients such as lamb, pork, mushrooms, vegetables may be threaded

Brotes de ajo – garlic sprouts

Bullit de peix – mixed fish soup-stew

Burgos, Queso de – a mild, pleasantly flavored sheep's milk cheese

Butifarra – a mild pork sausage (white or black in color) used extensively in Catalán cooking


Cáscara – rind

Cáscaras – shells

Cabrales, Queso de – a blue-streaked cow's milk cheese, aged in mountain caves and wrapped in tree leaves

Cafe con leche – espresso coffee with steamed milk; café au lait

Cafe cortado – espresso coffee with a dash of steamed milk

Cafe solo – espresso coffee alone (no milk)

Cala – rocky bay, cove

Calabacín, calabacita, zapallito – zucchini

Calabaza – pumpkin, squash

Calamar, calamares – squid

Calasparra rice – a short grain rice

Calcots – spring onion (scallion)

Caldereta, caldeirada – casserole, most often based on lamb or lobster

Caldero – heavy iron pot, by association, or a fish and rice dish made in this pot

Caldo – stock, consommé, clear broth

Calendar – to heat or warm

Cana – small serving of draft beer

Canela – cinnamon

Canelones – "cannelloni," pasta tubes stuffed with minced meats and béchamel sauce

Cangrejo – crab

Capa – layer

Caperberries –capers

Caracol – snail

Carne – meat

Carne de salchicha – sausage meat

Carne picada – minced meat

Casa de comida – restaurant

Casqueria – variety meats, offal

Castaño – chestnut

Cava – a type of Spanish sparkling white wine produced by the bottle fermentation method

Cayenne pepper – a hot pepper spice

Cazón – dogfish, shark

Cazo – saucepan, pan

Cazuelas – terra cotta earthenware dishes

Cebollín, cebolla de verdeo, chalote, chalota – scallion (young onion)

Cebolla – onion

Cebolleta – shallot

Cecina – a dry-cured beef

Cena – supper, evening meal served later in the evening, after tapas

Cepillar – brush

Cerdo – pork

Cerdo picado – minced pork

Cerveceria – beer bar

Champiñones – mushrooms

Chilindrón – sauce of tomato, pepper, onion, and ham, most commonly applied to chicken and lamb

Chipirones – baby squid

Chipirones en su tinta – baby squid cooked in their own ink

Chiringuito – beach bar/shack

Chive (hierba) – chive (herb)

Chocolate a la taza – rich dark chocolate drink thickened with a slight amount of rice flour

Chocos – small cuttlefish

Chorizo – a signature Spanish sausage made of ground pork, flavored with paprika, garlic, salt and pepper

Chorrito – dash

Chufa – nut strainer used to produce a very smooth puree

Churro – a long, deep fried fritter often eaten with thick drinking chocolate (chocolate a la taza)

Cilantro, culantro – coriander

Cinnamon – spice

Ciruela – plum

Ciruela seca – dried plum, prune

Clara de huevo – egg white

Clavo (de olor) – clove

Cocer al horno – bake

Cochinillo – suckling pig

Cocido – long simmered stew based on chickpeas or other legumes, which includes vegetables, meats, and sausages

Cocina casera – good home cooking, plain food

Cocinar – cook

Cocinar a fuego lento – simmer

Cocoa en polvo – cocoa powder

Codfish, dried salted (bacalao) – dry salted cod

Codorniz – quail

Cogollo – lettuce heart, also dwarf lettuce

Col – cabbage

Colar – strain

Coliflor – cauliflower

Colorante alimenticio – food coloring

Combinar – combine

Comedor – dining room

Comida – meal; dinner or lunch

Comida – food

Comida basura, porquerías – junk food

Comino – cumin

Comiso – packed lunch

Completamente – thoroughly

Condiment – seasoning

Conejo – rabbit

Congelado – frozen

Congrio conger – eel

Conservante – preservative

Conservar – preserve

Consistencia – consistency

Copos de avena – oats

Corazones de alcachofas – artichoke hearts

Cordero – lamb

Cortado en cuatro – quartered

Cortar – trim

Cortar en cuadritos – diced

Cortar en lonchas finas – thinly sliced

Cortijo – country house, farmhouse, especially In Andalusia

Cosa para pelar patatas – potato peeler

Costillas – spare ribs

Crema catalana – traditional Catalan custard with a caramel crust, similar to crème brûlée

Croquetas – breaded croquettes filled with a thick béchamel sauce, incorporating chopped ham or chicken

Crudo – raw

Crujiente, crocante – crispy

Cuajar – curdle

Cuajo – rennet

Cubrir – cover

Cuchara – tablespoon

Cuchara de medir – measuring spoon

Cucharada – spoon

Cucharita, cucharilla – teaspoon

Cucharones – ladles

Cuenco – bowl

Cumin – pungent spice

Cuscurro – crouton


De grano grueso – coarse

De horno – ovenproof

Degustacion – tasting or sampling of food or drink

Dehuesado – boned

Dejar en adobo, marinar – marinade, marinate

Denomination de origen (DO) – an official system of quality control and protecting the quality and authenticity of specialty products and wines

Derretido – melted

Derretir – melt

Desalar – to remove the salt from a salt cured product, such as cod or bacalao, by soaking it in water

Desayuno – breakfast

Descamar – remove scales from fish

Desgrasar – skimming fat from the surface of a soup

Despensa – larder

Despepitar – to remove the seeds or stones from fruit or vegetables

Dientes de ajo – cloves of garlic

Doblar – fold

Dorada – gilthead bream fish

Dorado – browned, fried golden yellow

Dorar – to brown

Dulce – sweet


Embutidos – a generic term for sausage meats, whether cured, cooked, or fresh

Empanada – a flat, thin pie or turnover stuffed with a variety of fillings

Empanadilla – a small empanada

En lata – tinned, in a can

En papillote – cooked in foil

En su jugo – in its own juices

En trozos – sliced

En trozos menudos – finely chopped

En vez de – instead of

Encebollado – cooked with fried onion, especially liver or tuna

Encender – to ignite

Encina holm – oak

Endibias – endives

Endivia, (in coffee) achicoria – chicory

Endulzante – sweetener

Endulzar, azucarar – to sweeten

Eneldo – dill

Enfriar – chill

Engrasado – greased

Engrasar – to oil

Ensalada – salad

Entero – whole

Entradas, entremeses – starters, hors d'oeuvres

Escabeche – pickling marinade usually made of oil, vinegar, peppercorns, bay leaves, and/or spices

Escaldar – to scald

Escalfado – poached

Escalivada – salad of charcoal-grilled vegetables

Escanciar – to aerate cider by pouring it from a height into a glass

Escurrir – drain

Espárrago – asparagus

Espaguetis – spaghetti

Espesar – thicken

Espeso – stiff

Espesura, grueso – thickness

Espinacas – spinach

Espuma – foam

Espumadera – slotted spoon

Estofado – stew

Exprimir – squeeze


Fécula – potato starch

Fava beans – a large, bright-green bean

Fideo – thin macaroni-like pasta

Fideua – pasta-based paella-type dish made in the paella

Fino – a pale crisp white sherry of around 15 per cent alcohol, generally from Jerez de la Frontera and Puerto de Santa María

Fondo – pan juices after cooking meat or fish

Formas – shapes

Freír – to fry

Freiduria – fried fish shop

Fresa – strawberry

Fricando – traditional Catalan beef stew

Frigorífico – refrigerator

Frijol – lima bean

Frito – fried in oil; often coated in egg and flour before frying as in fish and shell fish

Frotar – to rub

Fruta – fruit

Fuego fuerte – high heat

Fumet – a concentrated aromatic stock, usually made from fish but sometimes from poultry, used to flavor other stocks and sauces


Gachas – a savory porridge

Galleta – cookie

Galleta salada – pretzel

Gallina – hen

Gamba prawn, – shrimp

Ganbas al ajillo – garlic shrimp fried in garlic and hot peppers

Gancho de carnicero – meat hook

Garbanzos – chick peas

Garrofo – large flat white bean, used in paella

Gaza – game, game dishes

Gazpacho – cold soup from Andalucía, contains tomato, cucumber, bread and onion

Gelatina – jelly

Glasear – to glaze or coat with sugar or fruit preserves

Granizado – water ice

Granos de pimienta – peppercorns

Grasa – grease

Gratinado – cooked au gratin, with cheese

Gratinar – to grill

Grisín, colín – bread stick

Grueso, espeso – thick

Guarnición – garnish

Guayaba – guava

Guindillas – long, moderately hot Spanish chilies, especially popular in the Basque Country

Guisado – braised, fried and then cooked in liquid

Guisantes – peas

Guitar las espinas – to fillet (fish)


Habas – broad beans

Haba, habichuelas, alubias, frijoles, judias – beans

Habichuelas ejote – green beans

Hacer puré – mash

Hake Merluza – a mild-flavored, large-flaked, white-fleshed fish

Harina – flour

Harina de maíz – corn flour

Helado – ice cream

Herboristeria – shop specializing in herbs, natural remedies, etc.

Hervir – boil

Hierba – herb

Hierba doncella – myrtle, periwinkle

Hierbabuena – mint

Hierbaluisa – lemon verbena

Higado – liver

Higo – fig

Higo chumbo – prickly pear

Hinojo – fennel

Hoja – leaf

Hoja del cuchillo – blade of a knife

Hojaldre – puff pastry

Hojas – leaves

Horchata – made from ground chufa nuts (tigernuts), it is a sweet cool milky drink originating in Valencia

Horno – oven

Horreo – a granite drying shed for corn, found in Galicia and Asturias

Hueco – dent

Huerto, huerta – vegetable patch, especially a vegetable-producing garden close to the city

Hueso, espina – bone

Hueva – cured and pressed fish roe, normally tuna or grey mullet

Huevo – egg

Huevo duro – hard-boiled egg

Huevos estrellados – fried egg and potato hash


Ibérico – a strain of black hoofed pig, cerdo Ibérico

Idiaxabal, Queso de – a smoked sheep's-milk cheese from the Basque country


Jabalí – wild boar

Jamon – ham

Jamon de York – mild, cured and cooked ham

Jamon Ibérico – cured ham from the cerdo Ibérico black hoofed pigs

Jarra graduada – measuring cup

Jerez – sherry

Judias – white beans, similar to limas

Jugo, zumo – juice

Jugoso – juicy


Kokotxa gelatinous – "cheeks" of hake, cod


Lado – side

Lampuga – dolphin

Lata – tin, can

Latifundio – large country estate

Laurel – bay leaf

Lavar – wash

Leche – milk

Leche cuajada – junket, a dish of sweetened and flavored curds of milk, often served with fruit

Lechoso – milky

Lechuga – lettuce

Lentamente – gradually

Lentejas – lentils

Levadura (en polvo) – baking powder

Liebre – hare

Ligado – thickened, bound with cream, egg yolk or butter

Lima – lime

Limpiar con agua – rinse

Limpiar con un paño – wipe

Lomo – loin, usually pork

Lomo embuchado – pork loin marinated in vinegar and spices

Longaniza, llonganissa – a thin sausage from Cataluña


Maíz tierno – sweet corn

Macedonia – a mixture of diced vegetables or fruits

Machacar – grind

Maduro – ripe

Magdalena – sweet breakfast cupcake

Magro – lean (meat)

Mahon, Queso de – a mild semi-soft, cow's-milk cheese with a unique taste-a little like a Gouda

Majado, majao – a mixture of spices, herbs, often added in the final stages of cooking, prepared in a Mortar and pestle

Majorero, Queso de – a semi-cured goat cheese

Malaga wine – An intense raisin-flavored fortified Spanish wine, generally served as a dessert wine or between meals

Manchego – sheep's cheese from the high mountain plane of La Mancha; queso manchego

Manteca – lard

Mantecado – a Christmas sweet made from almonds

Mantequilla – butter

Manzana – apple

Manzanilla – a dry, light, crisp wine, similar to fino sherry, produced; or chamomile for tea; or variety of table olive

Mar i muntanya – "sea and mountain," any dish combining seafood and meat like "Surf & turf"

Marinate – raw meat or fish put into a mixture of flavors before being cooked

Marinera – general term for seafood cookery

Marisco – shellfish

Mariscos – seafood

Marmitako – tuna and potato casserole from the Basque Country

Masa – dough

Matanza – traditional sacrificing and processing of a pig

Mayonesa – mayonnaise

Mazapan – a Christmas sweet made solely of ground almonds and honey

Mejillon – mussel

Melon – melon

Melaza – molasses

Melocotón – peach

Membrillo – quince

Menestra – vegetable medley made mostly in the spring, may also contain lamb or chicken

Menta – mint

Menu de gustacion – tasting menu

Merendero – picnic site, snack bar

Merienda – afternoon snack

Merluza – hake, served lightly fried in Andalucía, or with salsa verde (parsley and olive oil) in the North

Mezclar – mix

Michirones – a dish made from dried broad beans

Miel – honey

Miel de cana – sugar cane syrup

Migas – fried bread crumbs with garlic, chopped panceta, tocino, red pepper, mixed herbs

Mojama – dry cured salted fish, usually tuna

Mojo – sauce from the Canary Islands

Molido, pulverizado – ground

Mollejas, lechecillas – sweetbreads

Mollete – muffin

Mona – an Easter specialty of Catalonia, a rich brioche

Mongetes – popular Catalán dish of white beans and grilled sausage

Mora – blackberry

Morcón – blood sausage

Morcilla – a Spanish blood sausage often used in stews and sliced and fried as an accompaniment to eggs or as an appetizer, often combined with rice or onion

Morros – snout, "face" meat, usually of pork or beef

Mortadela – fine-ground pork slicing sausage used in sandwiches, often includes olives

Mortero – mortar, usually used for crushing spices, garlic, or herbs

Mostaza – mustard

Muslo de pollo – chicken drumstick


Naranja – orange

Nata – cream

Nata agria – sour cream

Nata montada – whipped cream

Nectarina – nectarine

Niscalo, rovello Catalán – wild mushroom

No engordante – non fattening

Noras – round dried pepper, mildly spicy, used in the cuisine of eastern Spain and a key ingredient in romesco sauce

Nueces – walnuts

Nuez de mantequilla – dollop of butter

Nuez moscada – nutmeg


Olla podrida – a substantial stew


Pa amb tomaquet – Catalan tapa of bread or toast rubbed with olive oil and fresh crushed tomato

Paella – a saffron & rice casserole garnished with rabbit, chicken, mussels shell fish dish cooked in a flat shallow pan, also called a paella

Palitos de queso – cheese straws

Pan – bread

Pan ázimo, pan sin levadura – unleavened bread

Pan de molde – sliced bread

Pan duro – stale bread

Pan –whole wheat bread

Panceta – cured pork belly

Panellets – almond macaroons, often encrusted with pine nuts or other nuts

Panera – bread box

Papel de cocina – paper towel for the kitchen

Papillote – a package of meat, poultry, or fish with other ingredients in baked in foil, baking parchment, or waxed paper

Paprika pimentón de la Vera – smoked paprika unique to Spain

Pargo – sea bream

Pasa (de uva) – raisin

Pasta – pasta

Pastel – cake

Pasteleria – pastries

Pasteleria, pastisseria – pastry shop

Pata negra – "black hoof" referring to the Iberian pig, and the hams produced from it

Patata frita – french fries

Patatas – potatoes

Patatas bravas – fried potato pieces with spicy sauce

Patatas fritas – French fries

Pato – duck

Pechuga de pollo – chicken breast

Pedazo grande – wedge

Pedro Ximenez – a sweet sherry with a raisin like flavor, made from grapes of that name, used in cooking and as an after dinner aperitif

Pelado – peeled

Pelar – peel

Pepinillo – pickle

Pepino – cucumber

Pepitas (trocitos) de pollo – chicken nuggets

Percebes – goose barnacles scraped from the sheer granite cliffs of Galicia

Perdiz – partridge

Perejil – parsley

Perro or perrito caliente – hot dog

Perrunilla – sugary biscuit made with lard

Pescado – fish

Piña – pineapple

Piñones – pine nut

Picada – pounded mixture of herbs, spices, garlic, bread, biscuits, etc.

Picante – spicy, hot

Picar – to chop

Pico – small toasted bread sticks served with tapas

Piel, pelar – skin

Pimentón – paprika

Pimienta – pepper

Pimiento de Padron – baby green pepper from Galicia, sautéed in extra virgin olive oil until blistered, and then sprinkled with sea salt, served as a tapa

Pimiento de piquillo – small, red, peppers with a pointed end

Pimiento rojo – red pepper

Pimiento verde – green pepper

Pintxo – the Basque word for tapas, best come from towns along the coast stretching from Bilbao to San Sebastian

Piperrada – Basque dish of peppers, tomato, onions, etc.

Pisto – originally from La Mancha, a more concentrated version of ratatouille made from fried peppers, onion, tomato, garlic, zucchini and eggplant

Pizca – pinch

Plátano – banana

Plato – plate, dish, course

Plato principal, segundo plato – main course

Pochar – to fry until soft

Pollo – chicken

Poner – arrange

Poner trocitos encima – dot with (butter)

Postre – dessert

Potaje – leek and potato soup, or a similar stew

Pringa – cabbage, bean, and meat stew

Prueba – foodstuffs

Puñado Gallego -– boiled and sliced octopus with cooked potato, olive oil, pimentón, and sea salt, served on a wooden plate

Puchero – a fried sausage mixture

Puerros – terra cotta cooking pots, also Andalusian one-pot stew

Pulpo a feira Gallego – term referring to places serving octopus

Punto de ebullición – handful

Punto de fusión – boiling point


Queso – cheese


Rábano – radish

Rabo de buey – oxtail

Rallado – grated

Ramita – sprig

Rape – monkfish

Ratio de toro – bull's tail

Rebozar – to coat ingredients such as meat, fish, vegetables in flour, egg, and breadcrumbs

Before – frying

Receta – recipe

Reducir – reduce

Rehogar – previously cooked vegetables sautéed in olive oil

Rellenar – to sauce, toss in oil

Relleno – stuffed, filled

Requeson – a fresh cheese that is similar to ricotta or cottage cheese

Revuelto – scrambled eggs

Riñon – kidney

Ribeiro – white wine from Galicia

Rociando – basting

Rollito – to smooth out pastry dough to an even thickness with a rolling pin

Romero – rosemary

Romesco – a sauce made of pounded almonds, hazelnuts, garlic, tomato and olive oil

Roncal, Queso del – a cheese produced in the Spanish Pyrenees from cow and sheep milk

Rosquilla – doughnut


Salchichon – applied to any food preserved in salt

Salmorejo – gazpacho thickened with bread

Salpicon – very finely diced ingredients bound with a sauce or, in the case of fruit, a syrup

Salteado – to season with salt and pepper

Samfaina – sautéed

San Simon, Queso de – a pear shaped cow's-milk cheese, heavily smoked, and medium-cured, with a slight herbal flavor

Serrano – "of the mountain," e.g. Jamon Serrano

Setas – wild mushrooms

Sidra – a hard, very dry cider

Sobrassada – pork sausage of a spreading consistency

Socarrat – the rice at the center of the paella pan's base, which becomes caramelized or lightly burned during cooking

Solomillo – sirloin, fillet

Sopa – soup


Tapadera – seive

Tapas – small bites of food, hors d'oeuvres

Tarta de queso – cheese cake

Taza para medir – measuring cup

Ternera picada – minced beef

Tetilla, Queso de – cow's-milk cheese from Galicia

Tibio – beef

Tierno – tender, fresh

Tocino – bacon

Tocino de cielo – "heavenly bacon," a sweet made of egg yolks and sugar

Torta del Casar – a sheep's milk cheese shaped like a pie or tart, very soft and creamy, used to dip with crusty bread

Tortilla – an egg and potato based omelet

Tortilla de patatas – Spanish potato omelet

Tortillita de camaron – shrimp egg fritters, made with a thin batter and sizzled a la plancha style

Tronchon, Queso de – a white semi-cured sheep's milk cheese

Trucha – trout

Turron – an almond and honey confection of Arab origin

Txakoli – acidic white wine from Basque country

Txistorra, chistorra – long thin sausage sold in coils

Txoko – a Basque gastronomic society


Urta – fish common on the coast of Cadiz


Vapor – steamer

Venta – roadside locale combining elements of restaurant, shop, bar, and gas station, common in the south of Spain

Ventresca de atun, bonito – the belly of the tuna fish, regarded as the most tender part and therefore the most prized

Verter – pour

Vieiras Gallego – term for scallops

Villalon, Queso de – a fresh, mild, sheep's-milk cheese

Vinagre –a white wine vinegar made of sherry

Volver – turn

Vuelta y vuelta – over easy




Yema – egg yolk, also refers to a convent sweet made of soft yolk and sugar


Zamorano, Queso de – a well-cured sheep's milk cheese similar in taste to Manchego but with a richer flavor

Zanahoria – carrot

Zorongollo – a dish of zucchini, onion, and egg

Zurrukutuna – a soup of salt cod, pepper, and egg

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